(650) 438-2444

Alternative phone number: 650-275-3978

BRE# 01440109 | NAR# 166014828


Working full time as a realtor since 2004, Monica became a licensed broker in 2011 and stayed on as broker-associate for Century 21 until 2013 where she consistently ranked as a top producing Centurion Awardee year after year. When her long time broker decided to retire after 34 years in the business, Monica decided it was time to pursue her dreams and start her own company. That is when Hatch Realty Group, Inc was born! Combining the grass roots principles of hard work and market knowledge that she learned at Century 21 early in her career with a twist of social media integration and a modern approach to marketing, sales and communication, Monica's vision is to see Hatch Realty Group thrive through lasting relationships with clients and serve as the trusted resource for all of their real estate needs. She offers 24/7 guidance to her team to ensure that service and representation is always of the highest standard. If integrity, a personal connection, drive and experience is what you are looking for, call Monica today!



Notre Dame Highschool Diploma 1997

U.C. Berkeley B.A. Mass Communications/Journalism 2001

Stanford University 2019: Negotiation Mastery—Achieving Outstanding Results and Relationships — Course Completion

Languages: English, Tagalog